
Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Year 6 2015 Camp

Have you been at camp but in a island you don’t know? The year 6 campers were really excited to go camp because, the camp wasn’t at school, it was called Kawau Island. There were 4 teams which names were Katz, Mention, Kawau and Bentzon.

When everyone woke up, We went on a really slippery run through the trees and onto the killer hill it was a little dangerous. After our run, we sat for a beautiful breakfast. Then our first rotation we went, was Bivouacking, Bivouacking is when you go in the woods and you find some sticks or branches, when you’ve caught some wood then you have to try build a house of sticks. When you’ve done, you have to make sure that your whole group fit, if it does work then you sit in it and try not to get wet from the outside.

DAY 2. - Next Day
The next day, We did the same thing but not the run because it was to slippery. So when our teacher Mr Jacobson blew the Bugle we woke up and got changed then went downstairs to have another yummy breakfast, then we had to practise our performance for our Consent Night. So we practise and practise till it was time to sleep. So we had to have a good sleep. But some of us couldn’t go sleep because some were too excited. But then we fell asleep.

DAY 3. - Consent Night
The next day at night time we all go ready for consent night, The group that went first was Katz then Mention after that it was Bentzon and the group that was last was kawau. The competition was tough, But the Bentzon and the 2 groups that came 2nd was Katz and Mention and the 3rd was Kawau. That was so tough.

On the last day we had heaps of fun we got free time and we even started our last fun rotation, but the sad part was that we had to pack up to go back home which is back to school, So we had to grab all the bags and put them straight in the fairy. Then we all jumped on the fairy and went back to school. When we got to school there were heaps of parents waiting outside the bus for us as we walk out of the bus parents hugging and calling out it was dreaming.

When I got home I felt like not coming back but I really did miss my family so much to not leaving them again.  THAT WAS THE BEST CAMP EVER!

Monday, 30 November 2015

Limerick Poem

WALT: Write a Limerick Poem By YourSelf

Lesser Short Tailed Bat.

WALT: Use clues from the text to accurately answer questions Read and understand facts about the Lesser Short Tailed Bat.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Acrostic Poem

WALT: write a positive descriptive acrostic poem using your name and similes.

Diamante poem

WALTWrite a diamante poem using nouns, verbs, adjectives, synonyms and antonyms

Monday, 9 November 2015

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Writing Test

Introduction: P1.
“Disgusting” Rooms 6,7,8,9,10 did an experience of a game called “How to eat weetbix”.

SO.. if you want to know how to play the game here are some tips. First you have to have 3 bowls and on those bowls are weetbix with whip cream on top and a bucket full of apples. Also you have to buddy up, when you are ready then you have to cross your hand behind you, then your partner has to put there hand through you and when you're ready you can start.

When we got started the first 4 boys went up and also the first 4 girls. Class 6 went outside near the rocks, and class 7 went out on the porch and room eight went through to the other side to the porch near class 7’s room, Classes 9 and 10 took their part on their side of the porch. I was in class 8 with Mrs Lavakula, “she was the best”. SO.. we started, Mrs Lavakula told us to count up from number 5, then we started 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!. They raced as fast as they could to beat each other but it was tough because people wanted to vomit but they couldn't because they were scared that they would get disqualified.

The second group of 8 went up they seemed confident, but some were just shy to do it. For Example: Like Me. When we started we were all pretty confident but the weirdest thing was that it was only me that was allergic to whip cream. So when we finished I felt like I was going to vomit, but I thought it won’t happen, but then it came out quick, so I ran to the bathroom and vomit for 30 seconds and when I was finished I came out of the bathroom and I felt dizzy. Same as the other girls and some boys .

P5 - Conclusion.
When everything was done and cleaned, most girls felt sick also some boys. “My favourite part was when we all had a turn and the funniest part was when most of the girls were vomiting”.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

NZ Native Animals Report

WALT: NZ Native Animals 


Habitat:I am learning the teachings of fantails. Fantails like to live up high in the trees,in between trees.

Diet: Fantails love to eat moths,flies, spiders, wasps, and beetles, although they sometimes also eat fruit.    

Characteristic: How do they behave? Fantails are not shy and is almost never still, also It flits from perch to perch.  

Description:Fantails have greyish heads, white eyebrow, brown back and rump on breast and belly. They also have white and black bands across the upper breast, and a long black a white tail.

There is more information, For Example:

The second things that fantails do is they fly around to disturb insects, flushing them out before eating them. 

Chair Tiggy

WALT: Write a recount about what we played.

“Pick Me, Pick Me” said the taggers. The game we where playing was chair tiggy. It was tricky.

“There are two teams, runners and taggers”. The runner's job is to run around and through the chairs without getting tagged, the taggers job is to sit on a chair and if the other runner can’t catch them or is tired then the tagger slaps a chair then, he or she that is sitting on the chair tries to catch the runner.

“I was a runner, when we started”. I started off great but then I ran around the chairs then came back around and I ran again and I got caught by Aysha. I was a tagger after that. “I was scared that if a person come to tag my chair I will never notice who to catch or even where to go. When it came to my turn I was really nervous because I wouldn't know when to go.

My favourite part of the game was running because when you run you can feel the cold breeze running thru you and because you can think like it's fitness.

I felt really bored when the game was over and but really pumped when we started.


Thursday, 22 October 2015

Friday, 16 October 2015

Ice Skating Competition

What did you do for the holiday? Well I will tell you everything that happened in my holiday,In 6 paragraphs.

On the first week of the holiday I went to my ice skating competition for the second time with my whole family, “I was running for a club”. This time, the prize I had to compete for was a trip to Niue then to Tonga with my family. The competition was at the pacific ice skating club, that was the Tongan islanders. Our name for my group was: The Talavou. There was only 15 competitors. There were a lot of activities that involved skates.

One of the game’s that we played was really fun. You needed 5 balls and 5 holler hoops also you had to have 5 groups with 3 people in each groups. Then when you're ready you stand in a pentagon and 2 teams run in and try  to run in a holler hoop once the holler hoop are taken, the others that don’t make it they have to start again and the people who made it they go to the next round.Then it was time to start the competition we all got in a straight line then we were waiting for the leader to say “GO” then after 10 seconds she said “GO” then we raced to the end, it was 80 meters. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd were Brooke Tamepo, Kaho Hirafune and Christina Floka. So… I came forth.

When it was finished I felt great even though I didn’t come 1st, 2nd or 3rd, I just felt great.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Eating Worms

WALT: Think about my purpose and reader by planing by recount.

Image result for noodles Have you ever tried chicken flavoured worms before? I have, it looked similar to noodles, you should try some. It is really easy making, because it is noodles.

First we used chicken flavoured noodles and we were waiting for the hot water to boil, when we were waiting, Mrs Garden gave out the packets of noodles to Angels and Wesley to open. When the hot water was ready we poured some in the bowls then we passed it in a circle and we got a spoon and mixed it.

Image result for worms

When it was mixed fully Mrs Garden had put them into small bowls then she asked, who in here want’s some noodles and some of us put our hands up.She told us to sit in a big circle and we did, then she went around the circle and fed it to us like it was slithery worms. IT WAS DELICIOUS!    

Our teacher makes us do weird things, like eating worms.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Joy Goes Busking

WALT: Use Relevant parts of the text to accurately anwser the questions.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

The Ants And The Grasshopper.

WALT: Identify the author's purpose.

Cross Country

WALT:  Write a poem using nouns, verbs and adjectives

Cross Country

Wet, Muddy

Exhausted, painful, Wading


Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Butter, Butter, Butter

WALT: write an introduction that orientates and hooks in the reader.

1. What a buttery day! Today room 8 were learning about how to make butter. Mrs Garden got all her things out then we started. While Mrs Garden was telling us how to make butter we were all in a 4 groups.

2. Mrs Garden took out the cream then she got out 2 small bowls after that she picked out 1 small salt and a bottle. Then she said let’s poor ½ of the cream into the bottle, then add a little bit of salt into the cream and, pass the bottle of cream around the circle and told us to give it 2 big huge shakes and it took 20 minutes. She stopped us, and said that the cream in the bottle was moist and that it looked like butter but softer.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Hooking In

WALT: Writing Introduction that orientate and hook in our audience.

First Try:

This term team 4 has a Trade and Enterprise group. There are 6 groups. The aim is to get lots of PT’s and pieces to add to your bank account, Trade and Enterprise means when you buy or make something then sell in a market. My group has been working hard to get good ideas, so the only  thing we've came up with was making M&M cookies and chocolate cupcakes with vanilla icing “YUMMY”. So come on over and get one for 1 PT and buy one free.

With a ?

Do you know what a Trade and Enterprise group is? This term team 4 has a Trade and Enterprise group.There are 5 groups. The aim is to get lots of PT’s and pieces to add to your bank account, my group has been working hard to get good ideas, so the only  thing we've came up with was making M&M cookies and small chocolate cupcakes with vanilla icing “YUMMY” So come on over and get one for 1 PT and buy one free. 

With a !

This term team 4 has a Trade and Enterprise group. There are 6 groups, The aim is to get lots of PT’s and pieces to add to your bank account, my group has been working hard to get good ideas, so the only  thing we've came up with was making M&M cookies and small chocolate cupcakes with vanilla icing “YUMMY”. So come on over and get one for 1 PT and buy one free!

With a fact:

This term team 4 has a Trade and Enterprise group. The aim is to get lots of PT’s and pieces to add to your bank account. Children in team 4 have their own online bank accounts , my group has been working hard to get good ideas, so the only  thing we've came up with was making M&M cookies and chocolate cupcakes with vanilla icing “YUMMY” So come on over and get one for 1 PT and buy one free.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Problem Solving: Week 3

WALT: Add and subtract decimal

Mr's Wildings Potatoes

WALT: Identify the author’s purpose.

Corban MacIntyre is a fake new all black player he is big and he is strong, he has shoulders like a goal posts. 

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

A present from Pudding

WALT: Find the main ideas of the text.

Kylie wanted a kitten
Pudding brought her a duckling
Mum and dad did not bileve her ...SO...
Pudding brought seven ducklings home.

My Family

WALT: Use similes to write a poem about my family.